Austin Physical Therapy

Our Services

  • Orthopedics & Sports Performance

    We know what it’s like, you head out for a 3 miler and start having knee pain after mile 1. You attempt to PR on your deadlift and you pull your back. You wake up one morning and can’t turn your head. You take some time off, start feeling better, and start your routine only to get injured again.

  • TMJ Disorders & Migraines

    Did you know Physical Therapy is the preferred method to treating jaw disorders and that your musculoskeletal system can influence migraines? Manual techniques and exercise are used to reduce tension and improve mobility.

  • Pelvic Health

    Pelvic Physical Therapy is used for any dysfunction happening “down there”. You do not have to be pregnant or female to have pelvic floor dysfunction.

  • Postural Restoration & Dry Needling

    These methods are used to treat any musculoskeletal condition. Postural restoration explains the science of postural adaptations and how asymmetries can cause pain and dysfunction. Dry needling helps reduce pain, improve mobility, and enhance sports performance.

Are you ready to break the injury cycle?